This course provides Live Class and Recorded Lectures of "Engineering Mathematics-I"
Derivatives and their Applications
Higher order derivatives 6 5h
Mean Value Theorems 3 3h
Indeterminate Forms 2 1h
Asymptotes 4 2h
Curvature 3 3h
Integration and its Applications
Indefinite Integration 5 4h
Definite Integration 3 4h
Improper Integrals 3 3h
Differentiation under Integral Sign 4 4h
Reduction formula 1 0h
Beta and Gamma Function 3 3h
Arc Length (Rectification) 2 2h
Volume and Surface 3 5h
Area under a curve | Quadrature & Tracing of Curves 3 3h
Centroid [New Course] 1 1h
Plane Analytic Geometry
Transformation of Axes: Translation and rotation 2 2h
Ordinary Differential Equations and their Applications
1st Order 1st Degree 7 6h
2nd Order Differential Equation 10 9h
Double Integration
Double Integration Methods 3 1h
Change of Order 2 0h
Area by Double Integration 1 0h
Calculus of Several Variables | Partial Differentiaion | Extrema of Functions of Several Variables
Calculus of 2 or more variables 6 5h
Vector Algebra (For Pokhara & Purbanchal University)
Product of two Vectors 0 0h
Product of three Vectors 0 0h
Product of four vectors & Reciprocal System of vectors 0 0h
Application of Vectors: Lines and Planes 0 0h
Three Dimensional Solid Geometry
Plane 1 0h
Line 3 2h
Coplanar Lines 1 0h
Sphere 2 3h
Cone, Cylinder, Conicoid 0 0h
Good for every student
Outstanding content, I suggest to take this course
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